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Nuts & Dried Fruit

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Crunchos Pistachio Sachet 100 g
₦5,750.00 ₦6,400.00
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Spar Dried Figs Ready To Eat 200 g
₦2,160.00 ₦2,210.00
485 results

Nuts & Dried Fruit

Discover the largest selection of Nuts & Dried Fruit in Nigeria. Nuts and Dried fruits are delicious snacks with lots of nutritional benefits. Visit, place your order and get it delivered under 3 hours anywhere in Lagos.

You're craving a snack, go for a healthy option like nuts or dried fruit. Both are rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats. While nuts and dried fruit are great as tasty snacks, they are also key ingredients when cooking and baking.

So, when next you're inbetween meals, consider snacking on apricots, cranberries, dates, currants, figs, plums, prunes, raisins, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, mixed nuts, tiger nuts, pine nuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts. You have them separately or you can have mix of both dried fruit and nut. But watch you calorie count as you eat. Shop from top brands like Castania, Reelfruit, Blue Diamond.